World Population Day 11 July - Knowledge Adda

World Population Day 11 July

Welcome to my new artical. तो मित्रो आज हम बात करने वाले है विश्व जन संख्या दिवस के बारेमे जो कि 11 july को मनाया जाता है। ये दिवस दुनिया भर के लोगो को जागृत करने के लिए मनाया जाता है । 1989 में  संयुक्तराष्ट्र ने  11 july को विश्व जन संख्या दिवस के रूप में मनाने को किया था। ये दिन मनाने से लोगो मे जागरूता आती है । आज के समय मे पूरी दुनिया मे जन संख्या बहुत ही ज्यादा हो चुकी है । 

World Population Day 11 July - Knowledge Adda
World Population Day 11 July - Knowledge Adda

World Population Day
is celebrated on 11 July with the aim of raising awareness among the people around the world on various issues related to population.

The multifaceted objectives of this day include gender discrimination, gender equality, family planning etc.

World Population Day 11 July - Knowledge Adda

along with making people aware of the health problems related to pregnancy.

In 1989, the United Nations first announced to celebrate July 11 as World Population Day. World Population Day 11 July - Knowledge Adda

At present, the entire world population has reached 720 crores, which is increasing rapidly every day.

Every year 11 July is organized as 'World Population Day' with the objective of focusing on various problems related to the growing population.

Out of the world's 720 million population, about 132.4 crore people live in India.The world's population is increasing by 83 million per year.

Dr. KC Zakaria, working in the World Bank, had suggested to celebrate this day in the event that the entire world population is five billion.

The day was established in 1989 by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program.

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